
Because of the disease of Frans  – throat cancer in 2006 at the moment talking through a voice prosthesis – the combination moved to a smaller location (was 5000m2). All race pigeons were sold and the breeders came along with the family. At the new location they made a new start with the youngsters and the total loft file of the number of pigeons as well as the number of lofts was decreased with 50%. Partly due the great quality of the breeders they took with them, they played at the new location directly again like before, they won first prices – chain results – head prices en Teletext entries ( see the last part of the results)


At the moment they have room for:

  • Breeding loft, 2 sections with aviary
  • Race loft, 2 sections with aviary and 1 section withou aviary
  • Youngsters loft, 3 sections with aviary
  • Widower hen loft, 1 section without aviary

All lofts have floor heating and a electrical extraction system, while the aluminum aviaries have galvanized floor grates.

Loft Data

The colony exists mainly of the Schaerlaeckens. We also bought some pigeons from other Top fanciers.

At the moment we are the owners of 24 direct Schaerlaeckens pigeons.
In total we have 16 breeding couples, 20 widowers and about 40 youngsters.

The total stock of my breeders is at the moment formed by :

  • 24x Schaerlaeckens – directly
  • 3x Verkerk – directly
  • 5x Schaerleackens / Verkerk – own breed
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